Currency pair US Dollar to Russian Ruble USD/RUB is trading at the level of 57.07. The pair USD/RUB is traded within the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Cloud, which indicates the presence of a flat trend in the US Dollar to Russian Ruble USD/RUB. Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is expected to exit near the level 56.70, then Ichimoku Kinko Hyo cloud bottom test near the level 57.20, from which it is expected to try to fall and develop a bearish trend for the pair to decrease near the level of 55.70.
USD/RUB forecast & analysis on May 22, 2017
Earlier, a weak signal was generated for the sale of the US Dollar to Russian Ruble USD/RUB, due to the crossing of the signal lines at the level of 57.70. The cancellation of the fall of the pair’s quotations will be a breakdown of the upper boundary of the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Cloud with the closing of quotations above the area of 57.70, which will indicate a change in the bearish trend in favor of the upside. Expect the acceleration of the US Dollar to Russian Ruble USD/RUB quotes falling with the breakdown of the local minimum area at the level of 56.20.