Stock index NASDAQ is trading at 5702.8. NASDAQ is trading above the upper boundary of the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Cloud, indicating an bullish trend in the NASDAQ. The fall of quotations of the exchange’s index near the level of 5658.0 is expected, from which one should expect an attempt to grow and develop the bullish trend on the NASDAQ near the level of 5770.0.
Technical analysis & forecast NASDAQ on May 25, 2017
Earlier, we received a weak signal for sales of the Stock index NASDAQ, due to the crossing of signal lines at the level of 5650.0. The cancellation of the growth of quotations of the stock index will be the breakdown of the lower boundary of the Cloud of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo with the closing of quotations below the area of 5600.0, which will indicate a change in the bullish trend in favor of the bearish trend. Expect to accelerate the growth of quotations of the NASDAQ exchange index stands with the breakdown of the local maximum area at the level of 5740.0.